Visual Basic Graphics Programming (2nd Edition)
Visual Basic Graphics Programming 2nd Edition.iso
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Visual Basic Form
837 lines
Begin VB.Form frmDepth1
Appearance = 0 'Flat
BackColor = &H00C0C0C0&
Caption = "Depth1"
ClientHeight = 4065
ClientLeft = 1410
ClientTop = 540
ClientWidth = 6330
BeginProperty Font
Name = "MS Sans Serif"
Size = 8.25
Charset = 0
Weight = 700
Underline = 0 'False
Italic = 0 'False
Strikethrough = 0 'False
ForeColor = &H80000008&
KeyPreview = -1 'True
LinkTopic = "Form1"
PaletteMode = 1 'UseZOrder
ScaleHeight = 4065
ScaleWidth = 6330
Begin VB.OptionButton optSolid
Caption = "Sphere"
Height = 255
Index = 7
Left = 0
TabIndex = 9
Top = 3240
Width = 2055
Begin VB.OptionButton optSolid
Caption = "Stellate Octahedron"
Height = 255
Index = 6
Left = 0
TabIndex = 8
Top = 2880
Width = 2055
Begin VB.OptionButton optSolid
Caption = "Platonic Solids"
Height = 255
Index = 5
Left = 0
TabIndex = 7
Top = 2520
Width = 2055
Begin VB.OptionButton optSolid
Caption = "6 Icosahedra"
Height = 255
Index = 4
Left = 0
TabIndex = 6
Top = 2160
Width = 2055
Begin VB.OptionButton optSolid
Caption = "6 Dodecahedra"
Height = 255
Index = 3
Left = 0
TabIndex = 5
Top = 1800
Width = 2055
Begin VB.OptionButton optSolid
Caption = "6 Octahedra"
Height = 255
Index = 2
Left = 0
TabIndex = 4
Top = 1440
Width = 2055
Begin VB.OptionButton optSolid
Caption = "8 Cubes"
Height = 255
Index = 1
Left = 0
TabIndex = 3
Top = 1080
Width = 2055
Begin VB.OptionButton optSolid
Caption = "6 Tetrahedra"
Height = 255
Index = 0
Left = 0
TabIndex = 2
Top = 720
Width = 2055
Begin VB.CheckBox chkRemoveBackfaces
Caption = "Remove Backfaces"
Height = 495
Left = 0
TabIndex = 1
Top = 0
Width = 2055
Begin VB.PictureBox picCanvas
AutoRedraw = -1 'True
Height = 3975
Left = 2160
ScaleHeight = 261
ScaleMode = 3 'Pixel
ScaleWidth = 261
TabIndex = 0
Top = 0
Width = 3975
Attribute VB_Name = "frmDepth1"
Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
Attribute VB_Creatable = False
Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = True
Attribute VB_Exposed = False
Option Explicit
' Location of viewing eye.
Private EyeR As Single
Private EyeTheta As Single
Private EyePhi As Single
Private Const dtheta = PI / 20
Private Const dphi = PI / 20
Private Const Dr = 1
' Location of focus point.
Private Const FocusX = 0#
Private Const FocusY = 0#
Private Const FocusZ = 0#
Private Projector(1 To 4, 1 To 4) As Single
Private Solids As Collection
Private SelectedShape As Integer
' Sort the solids in depth-sort order.
Private Sub SortSolids()
Dim solid As Solid3d
Dim ordered_solids As Collection
Dim besti As Integer
Dim bestz As Single
Dim newz As Single
Dim i As Integer
' Compute each solid's Zmax value.
For Each solid In Solids
Next solid
' Sort the objects by their Zmax values.
Set ordered_solids = New Collection
Do While Solids.Count > 0
' Find the face with the smallest Zmax
' left in the Faces collection.
besti = 1
bestz = Solids(1).zmax
For i = 2 To Solids.Count
newz = Solids(i).zmax
If bestz > newz Then
besti = i
bestz = newz
End If
Next i
' Add the best object to the sorted list.
ordered_solids.Add Solids(besti)
Solids.Remove besti
' Replace the Solids collection with the
' ordered_solids collection.
Set Solids = ordered_solids
End Sub
' Draw the data.
Private Sub DrawData(ByVal pic As PictureBox)
Dim solid As Solid3d
Dim X As Single
Dim Y As Single
Dim Z As Single
Dim S(1 To 4, 1 To 4) As Single
Dim T(1 To 4, 1 To 4) As Single
Dim ST(1 To 4, 1 To 4) As Single
Dim PST(1 To 4, 1 To 4) As Single
' Prevent overflow errors when drawing lines
' too far out of bounds.
On Error Resume Next
' Uncull the solids.
For Each solid In Solids
solid.Culled = False
Next solid
' Cull backfaces.
If chkRemoveBackfaces.value = vbChecked Then
m3SphericalToCartesian EyeR, EyeTheta, EyePhi, X, Y, Z
For Each solid In Solids
solid.Culled = False
solid.Cull X, Y, Z
Next solid
End If
' Scale and translate so it looks OK in pixels.
m3Scale S, 100, -100, 1
m3Translate T, picCanvas.ScaleWidth / 2, picCanvas.ScaleHeight / 2, 0
m3MatMultiplyFull ST, S, T
m3MatMultiplyFull PST, Projector, ST
' Transform the solids and clip faces.
For Each solid In Solids
solid.ApplyFull PST
' Clip faces behind the center of projection.
solid.ClipEye EyeR
Next solid
' Sort the solids if necessary.
If chkRemoveBackfaces.value = vbChecked Then
End If
' Set the appropriate fill style.
If chkRemoveBackfaces.value = vbChecked Then
' Fill to cover hidden surfaces.
pic.FillStyle = vbFSSolid
pic.FillColor = RGB(&H80, &HFF, &HFF)
' Do not fill so all lines are visible.
pic.FillStyle = vbFSTransparent
End If
' Draw the solids.
For Each solid In Solids
solid.Draw pic, EyeR
Next solid
End Sub
' Redraw the picture with culling changed.
Private Sub chkRemoveBackfaces_Click()
DrawData picCanvas
End Sub
Private Sub Form_KeyDown(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer)
Select Case KeyCode
Case vbKeyLeft
EyeTheta = EyeTheta - dtheta
Case vbKeyRight
EyeTheta = EyeTheta + dtheta
Case vbKeyUp
EyePhi = EyePhi - dphi
Case vbKeyDown
EyePhi = EyePhi + dphi
Case Else
Exit Sub
End Select
m3PProject Projector, m3Perspective, EyeR, EyePhi, EyeTheta, FocusX, FocusY, FocusZ, 0, 1, 0
DrawData picCanvas
End Sub
' Make a sphere.
Private Function Sphere(ByVal Cx As Single, ByVal Cy As Single, ByVal Cz As Single, ByVal radius As Single, ByVal num_horizontal As Integer, ByVal num_vertical As Integer) As Solid3d
Dim new_solid As Solid3d
Dim T As Integer
Dim theta1 As Single
Dim theta2 As Single
Dim dtheta As Single
Dim P As Integer
Dim phi1 As Single
Dim phi2 As Single
Dim dphi As Single
Dim x11 As Single ' xij: theta = i, phi = j
Dim y11 As Single
Dim z11 As Single
Dim x12 As Single
Dim y12 As Single
Dim z12 As Single
Dim x21 As Single
Dim y21 As Single
Dim z21 As Single
Dim x22 As Single
Dim y22 As Single
Dim z22 As Single
Dim R As Single
Set new_solid = New Solid3d
new_solid.IsConvex = True
theta1 = 0
dtheta = 2 * PI / num_horizontal
For T = 1 To num_horizontal
theta2 = theta1 + dtheta
phi1 = -PI / 2
dphi = PI / num_vertical
x11 = 0
y11 = -radius
z11 = 0
x21 = 0
y21 = -radius
z21 = 0
For P = 1 To num_vertical
phi2 = phi1 + dphi
y12 = radius * Sin(phi2)
R = radius * Cos(phi2)
x12 = R * Cos(theta1)
z12 = R * Sin(theta1)
y22 = radius * Sin(phi2)
R = radius * Cos(phi2)
x22 = R * Cos(theta2)
z22 = R * Sin(theta2)
If P = 1 Then
' Bottom triangle.
new_solid.AddFace _
Cx + x11, Cy + y11, Cz + z11, _
Cx + x12, Cy + y12, Cz + z12, _
Cx + x22, Cy + y22, Cz + z22
ElseIf P = num_vertical Then
' Top triangle.
new_solid.AddFace _
Cx + x11, Cy + y11, Cz + z11, _
Cx + x12, Cy + y12, Cz + z12, _
Cx + x21, Cy + y21, Cz + z21
' Middle rectangle.
new_solid.AddFace _
Cx + x11, Cy + y11, Cz + z11, _
Cx + x12, Cy + y12, Cz + z12, _
Cx + x22, Cy + y22, Cz + z22, _
Cx + x21, Cy + y21, Cz + z21
End If
x11 = x12
y11 = y12
z11 = z12
x21 = x22
y21 = y22
z21 = z22
phi1 = phi2
Next P
theta1 = theta2
Next T
Set Sphere = new_solid
End Function
Private Sub Form_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)
Select Case KeyAscii
Case Asc("+")
EyeR = EyeR + Dr
Case Asc("-")
EyeR = EyeR - Dr
Case Else
Exit Sub
End Select
m3PProject Projector, m3Perspective, EyeR, EyePhi, EyeTheta, FocusX, FocusY, FocusZ, 0, 1, 0
DrawData picCanvas
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()
' Initialize the eye position.
EyeR = 10
EyeTheta = PI * 0.2
EyePhi = PI * 0.05
' Initialize the projection transformation.
m3PProject Projector, m3Perspective, EyeR, EyePhi, EyeTheta, FocusX, FocusY, FocusZ, 0, 1, 0
' Start with the tetrahedron.
optSolid(0).value = True
End Sub
' Create the data.
Private Sub CreateData()
' Create the new Solids collection.
Set Solids = New Collection
' Create the solids.
Select Case SelectedShape
Case 0 ' Tetrahedra.
Solids.Add Tetrahedron(0.75, 0.5 + 0, 0, 0.4)
Solids.Add Tetrahedron(0, 0.5 + 0.75, 0, 0.4)
Solids.Add Tetrahedron(0, 0.5 + 0, 0.75, 0.4)
Solids.Add Tetrahedron(-0.75, 0.5 + 0, 0, 0.4)
Solids.Add Tetrahedron(0, 0.5 + -0.75, 0, 0.4)
Solids.Add Tetrahedron(0, 0.5 + 0, -0.75, 0.4)
Case 1 ' Cubes.
Solids.Add Cube(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.4)
Solids.Add Cube(0.5, 0.5, -0.5, 0.4)
Solids.Add Cube(0.5, -0.5, 0.5, 0.4)
Solids.Add Cube(-0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.4)
Solids.Add Cube(0.5, -0.5, -0.5, 0.4)
Solids.Add Cube(-0.5, 0.5, -0.5, 0.4)
Solids.Add Cube(-0.5, -0.5, 0.5, 0.4)
Solids.Add Cube(-0.5, -0.5, -0.5, 0.4)
Case 2 ' Octahedra.
Solids.Add Octahedron(0.75, 0, 0, 0.4)
Solids.Add Octahedron(0, 0.75, 0, 0.4)
Solids.Add Octahedron(0, 0, 0.75, 0.4)
Solids.Add Octahedron(-0.75, 0, 0, 0.4)
Solids.Add Octahedron(0, -0.75, 0, 0.4)
Solids.Add Octahedron(0, 0, -0.75, 0.4)
Case 3 ' Dodecahedra.
Solids.Add Dodecahedron(0.75, 0, 0, 0.3)
Solids.Add Dodecahedron(0, 0.75, 0, 0.3)
Solids.Add Dodecahedron(0, 0, 0.75, 0.3)
Solids.Add Dodecahedron(-0.75, 0, 0, 0.3)
Solids.Add Dodecahedron(0, -0.75, 0, 0.3)
Solids.Add Dodecahedron(0, 0, -0.75, 0.3)
Case 4 ' Icosahedra.
Solids.Add Icosahedron(0.75, 0, 0, 0.4)
Solids.Add Icosahedron(0, 0.75, 0, 0.4)
Solids.Add Icosahedron(0, 0, 0.75, 0.4)
Solids.Add Icosahedron(-0.75, 0, 0, 0.4)
Solids.Add Icosahedron(0, -0.75, 0, 0.4)
Solids.Add Icosahedron(0, 0, -0.75, 0.4)
Case 5 ' Platonic solids.
Solids.Add Tetrahedron(0, 0.6 + 0.75, 0, 0.4)
Solids.Add Cube(0.75, 0, 0, 0.6)
Solids.Add Octahedron(0, 0, 0.75, 0.5)
Solids.Add Dodecahedron(-0.75, 0, 0, 0.4)
Solids.Add Icosahedron(0, 0, -0.75, 0.5)
Case 6 ' Stellate octahedron.
MakeStellate8 0.75
Case 7 ' Sphere.
Solids.Add Sphere(0, 0, 0, 1, 10, 10)
End Select
End Sub
' Make a stellate octahedron.
Private Sub MakeStellate8(ByVal side_scale As Single)
Dim new_solid As Solid3d
Set new_solid = New Solid3d
Solids.Add new_solid
new_solid.IsConvex = True
new_solid.Stellate side_scale, _
0, side_scale, 0, _
0, 0, side_scale, _
side_scale, 0, 0
Set new_solid = New Solid3d
Solids.Add new_solid
new_solid.IsConvex = True
new_solid.Stellate side_scale, _
0, side_scale, 0, _
side_scale, 0, 0, _
0, 0, -side_scale
Set new_solid = New Solid3d
new_solid.IsConvex = True
Solids.Add new_solid
new_solid.Stellate side_scale, _
0, side_scale, 0, _
0, 0, -side_scale, _
-side_scale, 0, 0
Set new_solid = New Solid3d
Solids.Add new_solid
new_solid.IsConvex = True
new_solid.Stellate side_scale, _
0, side_scale, 0, _
-side_scale, 0, 0, _
0, 0, side_scale
Set new_solid = New Solid3d
Solids.Add new_solid
new_solid.IsConvex = True
new_solid.Stellate side_scale, _
0, -side_scale, 0, _
side_scale, 0, 0, _
0, 0, side_scale
Set new_solid = New Solid3d
Solids.Add new_solid
new_solid.IsConvex = True
new_solid.Stellate side_scale, _
0, -side_scale, 0, _
0, 0, -side_scale, _
side_scale, 0, 0
Set new_solid = New Solid3d
Solids.Add new_solid
new_solid.IsConvex = True
new_solid.Stellate side_scale, _
0, -side_scale, 0, _
-side_scale, 0, 0, _
0, 0, -side_scale
Set new_solid = New Solid3d
Solids.Add new_solid
new_solid.IsConvex = True
new_solid.Stellate side_scale, _
0, -side_scale, 0, _
0, 0, side_scale, _
-side_scale, 0, 0
End Sub
' Make a dodecahedron.
Private Function Dodecahedron(ByVal Cx As Single, ByVal Cy As Single, ByVal Cz As Single, ByVal side_scale As Single) As Solid3d
Dim new_solid As Solid3d
Dim theta1 As Single
Dim theta2 As Single
Dim s1 As Single
Dim s2 As Single
Dim c1 As Single
Dim c2 As Single
Dim M As Single
Dim N As Single
Dim S As Single
Dim R As Single
Dim A As Single
Dim B As Single
Dim C As Single
Dim D As Single
Dim H As Single
Dim X As Single
Dim Y As Single
Dim y2 As Single
theta1 = PI * 0.4
theta2 = PI * 0.8
s1 = Sin(theta1)
c1 = Cos(theta1)
s2 = Sin(theta2)
c2 = Cos(theta2)
M = 1 - (2 - 2 * c1 - 4 * s1 * s1) / (2 * c1 - 2)
N = Sqr((2 - 2 * c1) - M * M) * (1 + (1 - c2) / (c1 - c2))
R = 2 / N * side_scale
S = R * Sqr(2 - 2 * c1)
A = R * s1
B = R * s2
C = R * c1
D = R * c2
H = R * (c1 - s1)
X = (R * R * (2 - 2 * c1) - 4 * A * A) / (2 * C - 2 * R)
Y = Sqr(S * S - (R - X) * (R - X))
y2 = Y * (1 - c2) / (c1 - c2)
Set new_solid = New Solid3d
new_solid.IsConvex = True
new_solid.AddFace _
Cx + C, Cy + side_scale, Cz + -A, _
Cx + D, Cy + side_scale, Cz + -B, _
Cx + D, Cy + side_scale, Cz + B, _
Cx + C, Cy + side_scale, Cz + A, _
Cx + R, Cy + side_scale, Cz + 0
new_solid.AddFace _
Cx + C, Cy + side_scale, Cz + A, _
Cx + X * c1, Cy + side_scale - Y, Cz + X * s1, _
Cx + -X * c2, Cy + side_scale - y2, Cz + X * s2, _
Cx + X, Cy + side_scale - Y, Cz + 0, _
Cx + R, Cy + side_scale, Cz + 0
new_solid.AddFace _
Cx + C, Cy + side_scale, Cz + A, _
Cx + D, Cy + side_scale, Cz + B, _
Cx + X * c2, Cy + side_scale - Y, Cz + X * s2, _
Cx + -X * c1, Cy + side_scale - y2, Cz + X * s1, _
Cx + X * c1, Cy + side_scale - Y, Cz + X * s1
new_solid.AddFace _
Cx + D, Cy + side_scale, Cz + B, _
Cx + D, Cy + side_scale, Cz + -B, _
Cx + X * c2, Cy + side_scale - Y, Cz + -X * s2, _
Cx + -X, Cy + side_scale - y2, Cz + 0, _
Cx + X * c2, Cy + side_scale - Y, Cz + X * s2
new_solid.AddFace _
Cx + D, Cy + side_scale, Cz + -B, _
Cx + C, Cy + side_scale, Cz + -A, _
Cx + X * c1, Cy + side_scale - Y, Cz + -X * s1, _
Cx + -X * c1, Cy + side_scale - y2, Cz + -X * s1, _
Cx + X * c2, Cy + side_scale - Y, Cz + -X * s2, -X * c1
new_solid.AddFace _
Cx + C, Cy + side_scale, Cz + -A, _
Cx + R, Cy + side_scale, Cz + 0, _
Cx + X, Cy + side_scale - Y, Cz + 0, _
Cx + -X * c2, Cy + side_scale - y2, Cz + -X * s2, _
Cx + X * c1, Cy + side_scale - Y, Cz + -X * s1
' Bottom.
new_solid.AddFace _
Cx + -D, Cy + -side_scale, Cz + -B, _
Cx + -X * c2, Cy + side_scale - y2, Cz + -X * s2, _
Cx + X, Cy + side_scale - Y, Cz + 0, _
Cx + -X * c2, Cy + side_scale - y2, Cz + X * s2, _
Cx + -D, Cy + -side_scale, Cz + B
new_solid.AddFace _
Cx + -D, Cy + -side_scale, Cz + B, _
Cx + -X * c2, Cy + side_scale - y2, Cz + X * s2, _
Cx + X * c1, Cy + side_scale - Y, Cz + X * s1, _
Cx + -X * c1, Cy + side_scale - y2, Cz + X * s1, _
Cx + -C, Cy + -side_scale, Cz + A
new_solid.AddFace _
Cx + -C, Cy + -side_scale, Cz + A, _
Cx + -X * c1, Cy + side_scale - y2, Cz + X * s1, _
Cx + X * c2, Cy + side_scale - Y, Cz + X * s2, _
Cx + -X, Cy + side_scale - y2, Cz + 0, _
Cx + -R, Cy + -side_scale, Cz + 0
new_solid.AddFace _
Cx + -R, Cy + -side_scale, Cz + 0, _
Cx + -X, Cy + side_scale - y2, Cz + 0, _
Cx + X * c2, Cy + side_scale - Y, Cz + -X * s2, _
Cx + -X * c1, Cy + side_scale - y2, Cz + -X * s1, _
Cx + -C, Cy + -side_scale, Cz + -A
new_solid.AddFace _
Cx + -C, Cy + -side_scale, Cz + -A, _
Cx + -X * c1, Cy + side_scale - y2, Cz + -X * s1, _
Cx + X * c1, Cy + side_scale - Y, Cz + -X * s1, _
Cx + -X * c2, Cy + side_scale - y2, Cz + -X * s2, _
Cx + -D, Cy + -side_scale, Cz + -B
new_solid.AddFace _
Cx + -D, Cy + -side_scale, Cz + -B, _
Cx + -D, Cy + -side_scale, Cz + B, _
Cx + -C, Cy + -side_scale, Cz + A, _
Cx + -R, Cy + -side_scale, Cz + 0, _
Cx + -C, Cy + -side_scale, Cz + -A
Set Dodecahedron = new_solid
End Function
' Make an icosahedron.
Private Function Icosahedron(ByVal Cx As Single, ByVal Cy As Single, ByVal Cz As Single, ByVal side_scale As Single) As Solid3d
Dim new_solid As Solid3d
Dim theta1 As Single
Dim theta2 As Single
Dim s1 As Single
Dim s2 As Single
Dim c1 As Single
Dim c2 As Single
Dim A As Single
Dim B As Single
Dim C As Single
Dim D As Single
Dim H As Single
Dim S As Single
Dim R As Single
theta1 = PI * 0.4
theta2 = PI * 0.8
s1 = Sin(theta1)
c1 = Cos(theta1)
s2 = Sin(theta2)
c2 = Cos(theta2)
R = 2 / (2 * Sqr(1 - 2 * c1) + Sqr(3 / 4 * (2 - 2 * c1) - 2 * c2 - c2 * c2 - 1)) * side_scale
S = R * Sqr(2 - 2 * c1)
H = side_scale - Sqr(S * S - R * R)
A = R * s1
B = R * s2
C = R * c1
D = R * c2
' Top.
Set new_solid = New Solid3d
new_solid.IsConvex = True
new_solid.AddFace _
Cx + 0, Cy + side_scale, 0 + Cz, _
Cx + C, Cy + H, A + Cz, _
Cx + R, Cy + H, 0 + Cz
new_solid.AddFace _
Cx + 0, Cy + side_scale, 0 + Cz, _
Cx + R, Cy + H, 0 + Cz, _
Cx + C, Cy + H, -A + Cz
new_solid.AddFace _
Cx + 0, Cy + side_scale, 0 + Cz, _
Cx + C, Cy + H, -A + Cz, _
Cx + D, Cy + H, -B + Cz
new_solid.AddFace _
Cx + 0, Cy + side_scale, 0 + Cz, _
Cx + D, Cy + H, -B + Cz, _
Cx + D, Cy + H, B + Cz
new_solid.AddFace _
Cx + 0, Cy + side_scale, 0 + Cz, _
Cx + D, Cy + H, B + Cz, _
Cx + C, Cy + H, A + Cz
' Upper Middle.
new_solid.AddFace _
Cx + R, Cy + H, 0 + Cz, _
Cx + C, Cy + H, A + Cz, _
Cx + -D, Cy + -H, B + Cz
new_solid.AddFace _
Cx + C, Cy + H, A + Cz, _
Cx + D, Cy + H, B + Cz, _
Cx + -C, Cy + -H, A + Cz
new_solid.AddFace _
Cx + D, Cy + H, B + Cz, _
Cx + D, Cy + H, -B + Cz, _
Cx + -R, Cy + -H, 0 + Cz
new_solid.AddFace _
Cx + D, Cy + H, -B + Cz, _
Cx + C, Cy + H, -A + Cz, _
Cx + -C, Cy + -H, -A + Cz
new_solid.AddFace _
Cx + C, Cy + H, -A + Cz, _
Cx + R, Cy + H, 0 + Cz, _
Cx + -D, Cy + -H, -B + Cz
' Lower Middle.
new_solid.AddFace _
Cx + R, Cy + H, 0 + Cz, _
Cx + -D, Cy + -H, B + Cz, _
Cx + -D, Cy + -H, -B + Cz
new_solid.AddFace _
Cx + C, Cy + H, A + Cz, _
Cx + -C, Cy + -H, A + Cz, _
Cx + -D, Cy + -H, B + Cz
new_solid.AddFace _
Cx + D, Cy + H, B + Cz, _
Cx + -R, Cy + -H, 0 + Cz, _
Cx + -C, Cy + -H, A + Cz
new_solid.AddFace _
Cx + D, Cy + H, -B + Cz, _
Cx + -C, Cy + -H, -A + Cz, _
Cx + -R, Cy + -H, 0 + Cz
new_solid.AddFace _
Cx + C, Cy + H, -A + Cz, _
Cx + -D, Cy + -H, -B + Cz, _
Cx + -C, Cy + -H, -A + Cz
' Bottom.
new_solid.AddFace _
Cx + 0, Cy + -side_scale, 0 + Cz, _
Cx + -D, Cy + -H, B + Cz, _
Cx + -C, Cy + -H, A + Cz
new_solid.AddFace _
Cx + 0, Cy + -side_scale, 0 + Cz, _
Cx + -C, Cy + -H, A + Cz, _
Cx + -R, Cy + -H, 0 + Cz
new_solid.AddFace _
Cx + 0, Cy + -side_scale, 0 + Cz, _
Cx + -R, Cy + -H, 0 + Cz, _
Cx + -C, Cy + -H, -A + Cz
new_solid.AddFace _
Cx + 0, Cy + -side_scale, 0 + Cz, _
Cx + -C, Cy + -H, -A + Cz, _
Cx + -D, Cy + -H, -B + Cz
new_solid.AddFace _
Cx + 0, Cy + -side_scale, 0 + Cz, _
Cx + -D, Cy + -H, -B + Cz, _
Cx + -D, Cy + -H, B + Cz
Set Icosahedron = new_solid
End Function
' Make an octahedron.
Private Function Octahedron(ByVal Cx As Single, ByVal Cy As Single, ByVal Cz As Single, ByVal side_scale As Single) As Solid3d
Dim new_solid As Solid3d
' Top.
Set new_solid = New Solid3d
new_solid.IsConvex = True
new_solid.AddFace _
Cx + 0, Cy + side_scale, 0 + Cz, _
Cx + side_scale, Cy + 0, 0 + Cz, _
Cx + 0, Cy + 0, -side_scale + Cz
new_solid.AddFace _
Cx + 0, Cy + side_scale, 0 + Cz, _
Cx + 0, Cy + 0, -side_scale + Cz, _
Cx + -side_scale, Cy + 0, 0 + Cz
new_solid.AddFace _
Cx + 0, Cy + side_scale, 0 + Cz, _
Cx + -side_scale, Cy + 0, 0 + Cz, _
Cx + 0, Cy + 0, side_scale + Cz
new_solid.AddFace _
Cx + 0, Cy + side_scale, 0 + Cz, _
Cx + 0, Cy + 0, side_scale + Cz, _
Cx + side_scale, Cy + 0, 0 + Cz
' Bottom.
new_solid.AddFace _
Cx + 0, Cy + -side_scale, 0 + Cz, _
Cx + side_scale, Cy + 0, 0 + Cz, _
Cx + 0, Cy + 0, side_scale + Cz
new_solid.AddFace _
Cx + 0, Cy + -side_scale, 0 + Cz, _
Cx + 0, Cy + 0, side_scale + Cz, _
Cx + -side_scale, Cy + 0, 0 + Cz
new_solid.AddFace _
Cx + 0, Cy + -side_scale, 0 + Cz, _
Cx + -side_scale, Cy + 0, 0 + Cz, _
Cx + 0, Cy + 0, -side_scale + Cz
new_solid.AddFace _
Cx + 0, Cy + -side_scale, 0 + Cz, _
Cx + 0, Cy + 0, -side_scale + Cz, _
Cx + side_scale, Cy + 0, 0 + Cz
Set Octahedron = new_solid
End Function
' Make a cube with the indicated center and
' side length.
Private Function Cube(ByVal Cx As Single, ByVal Cy As Single, ByVal Cz As Single, ByVal side_scale As Single) As Solid3d
Dim new_solid As Solid3d
Dim s2 As Single
s2 = side_scale / 2
Set new_solid = New Solid3d
new_solid.IsConvex = True
' Top.
new_solid.AddFace _
Cx + s2, Cy + s2, Cz + s2, _
Cx + s2, Cy + s2, Cz - s2, _
Cx - s2, Cy + s2, Cz - s2, _
Cx - s2, Cy + s2, Cz + s2
' Positive X side.
new_solid.AddFace _
Cx + s2, Cy + s2, Cz + s2, _
Cx + s2, Cy - s2, Cz + s2, _
Cx + s2, Cy - s2, Cz - s2, _
Cx + s2, Cy + s2, Cz - s2
' Positive Z side.
new_solid.AddFace _
Cx + s2, Cy + s2, Cz + s2, _
Cx - s2, Cy + s2, Cz + s2, _
Cx - s2, Cy - s2, Cz + s2, _
Cx + s2, Cy - s2, Cz + s2
' Negative X side.
new_solid.AddFace _
Cx - s2, Cy - s2, Cz - s2, _
Cx - s2, Cy - s2, Cz + s2, _
Cx - s2, Cy + s2, Cz + s2, _
Cx - s2, Cy + s2, Cz - s2
' Negative Z side.
new_solid.AddFace _
Cx - s2, Cy - s2, Cz - s2, _
Cx - s2, Cy + s2, Cz - s2, _
Cx + s2, Cy + s2, Cz - s2, _
Cx + s2, Cy - s2, Cz - s2
' Bottom.
new_solid.AddFace _
Cx - s2, Cy - s2, Cz - s2, _
Cx + s2, Cy - s2, Cz - s2, _
Cx + s2, Cy - s2, Cz + s2, _
Cx - s2, Cy - s2, Cz + s2
Set Cube = new_solid
End Function
' Make a tetrahedron.
Private Function Tetrahedron(ByVal Cx As Single, ByVal Cy As Single, ByVal Cz As Single, ByVal side_scale As Single) As Solid3d
Dim new_solid As Solid3d
Dim S As Single
Dim A As Single
Dim B As Single
Dim C As Single
Dim D As Single
S = Sqr(6) * side_scale
A = S / Sqr(3)
B = -A / 2
C = A * Sqr(2) - 1
D = S / 2
Set new_solid = New Solid3d
new_solid.IsConvex = True
new_solid.AddFace _
Cx + 0, Cy + C, 0 + Cz, _
Cx + A, Cy + -1, 0 + Cz, _
Cx + B, Cy + -1, -D + Cz
new_solid.AddFace _
Cx + 0, Cy + C, 0 + Cz, _
Cx + B, Cy + -1, -D + Cz, _
Cx + B, Cy + -1, D + Cz
new_solid.AddFace _
Cx + 0, Cy + C, 0 + Cz, _
Cx + B, Cy + -1, D + Cz, _
Cx + A, Cy + -1, 0 + Cz
new_solid.AddFace _
Cx + A, Cy + -1, 0 + Cz, _
Cx + B, Cy + -1, D + Cz, _
Cx + B, Cy + -1, -D + Cz
Set Tetrahedron = new_solid
End Function
' Make the drawing areas as large as possible.
Private Sub Form_Resize()
Dim wid As Single
wid = ScaleWidth - picCanvas.Left
If wid < 120 Then wid = 120
picCanvas.Move picCanvas.Left, 0, wid, ScaleHeight
End Sub
Private Sub optSolid_Click(Index As Integer)
SelectedShape = Index
DrawData picCanvas
End Sub